Runtime Configuration

As Python API

Using keyword arguments in the annotate() method, you can make your app configurable at the runtime.

For example, an app can be configured to use a different combination of optional input annotation types, or to use a different unit for the output time-based annotations. See an example below.

class NamedEntityRecognizerApp(ClamsApp):
    def __init__(self)
        self.ner_model = self._load_model()

    def annotate(self, input_mmif, **parameters)
        ...  # preamble to "sign" the view and prepare a new view to use
        labels_to_use = parameters.get('labels', ['PERSON', 'ORG', 'GPE'])
        text = self.get_text(input_mmif)
        ne = self.ner_model(text)
        for ent in ne:
            if ent.label_ in labels_to_use:
                self.add_annotation(input_mmif, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_)
        return input_mmif


When you use a configuration parameter in your app, you should also expose it to the user via the app metadata. See CLAMS App Metadata section for more details.

As HTTP Server

When running as a HTTP server, a CLAMS app should be stateless (or always set to default states), and all the state should be “configured” by the client for each request, via the runtime configuration parameters we described above if necessary. For HTTP interface, users can enter configuration values via query strings as part of the request URL. For example, if the user wants to use the above app as a server with the labels parameter only set to PERSON and ORG, then the user can send a POST request to the server with the following URL:


Note that for this example to work, the parameter must be specified as multivalued=True in the app metadata, so that the SDK can collect multiple values for the same parameter name in a single python list and pass to the annotate() method. Otherwise, only the first value will be passed.